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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bleeding White

It has been awhile since I absolutely trashed an album, but this week that ends. I recently listened (and I use listened very generously) to the Avett Brother's new album "Closer Than Together," and I had several issues with it to be sure. First of all, a number of the songs are like that one on Juno, you know that genre of folk/indie that uses too many big words that are spoken over a bed of happy music. Now, that can work, maybe once, if it's done well. It wasn't done well here, and it wasn't done well over and over. The album was too political for my taste, but that doesn't always turn me off completely as long as the music is there or a great singing performance resurrects the album. None of that was here. The track "Bleeding White" was a poor man's attempt at The Black Keys, and the song "New Women's World," was a homeless man's Ben Folds. Another note, and I'm not sure what song it was from or if it was multiple songs, but this is not slam poetry, it's music. Treat it as such. In closing, Avett Brothers, YOU SUCK.

Anyways, I had another mediocre week in fantasy football. I won and am now in first place in my auction redraft league, and in my autodraft league. However, I lost in my other two leagues, one due to injuries, but  the other was completely due to lineup mismanagement. That dropped me out of playoff contention and into sixth place out of 10. I have a bundle of RB and WR 2/3 types and no clear leaders. I want to trade for something better, but all of those bundle of players are young and could eventually become No. 1-types. I think my best bet is to hang on to my players and plan for the future.

Please enjoy the photos in the sports gallery from Sept. 26-Oct. 1. here.

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