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Tuesday, March 5, 2019


When it comes to Weezer there seems to be two very distinct groups of fans. Group one are the OG's who believe that nothing good has been released by the band in this millennium. Then there are the die-hard's who think that everything that Weezer releases has merit in some way. While I probably land somewhere closer to the latter, I would say that I'm far from a Weezer apologist. They have released a lot of junk from the Red Album on, and nothing comes even close to as good as Pinkerton and the Blue Album. However, I do recognize that on nearly every one of their albums (Rattitude excluded) there is at least a track or two that is pretty solid. The Black Album, which came out last week, is no exception to this way of Weezer album life. I'd say like three songs are good ("Zombie Bastards,"I'm just being honest" and "Byzantine"). The one thing that surprised me the most is the amount of cursing that Rivers has incorporated. It is kind of the best part of this album. Much of everything else is inflated heavily by lead singer and songwriter Rivers Cuomo's ego, and therefore mostly garbage, or at the very least blah. This has been the case for the past 20 years or so, but I keep on listening. Perhaps one of these albums (assuming the inevitable breakup holds off) will redeem the band with something that reaches something to at least Maladroit level.

Anyhow, I have some photos to share from Royalton boys and girls basketball, Upsala and Pierz boys basketball from Feb. 21-26. Enjoy.

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